Should I Get a Flu Shot?

According to the CDC, an annual seasonal flu vaccine is the best way to protect people from getting influenza. The flu vaccine prevents millions of flu-related doctor’s visits and tens of thousands of hospitalizations related to the flu each year. It can be life-saving in children or those with chronic conditions who are more vulnerable to a serious flu illness.

Research is done prior to flu season to determine which influenza viruses will be the most common during the upcoming season. The flu vaccine then contains these viruses so our body is able to develop antibodies to them. These antibodies provide protection against infection.

Who Should Get the Vaccine?

Anyone over the age of 6 months old should get the flu vaccine every year. It is especially important for those with weakened immune systems who are at higher risk of complications from the flu. Consult your doctor with any questions related to your situation.

When Should I Get Vaccinated?

The recommendation per the CDC is to get the flu vaccine by the end of October. However, the vaccination can still be beneficial throughout the whole flu season.

Will the Flu Vaccine Make Me Sick?

No. It takes about 2 weeks to build immunity so it’s possible to be exposed to the influenza virus shortly before getting the vaccine or in the amount time between when the vaccine was given and the antibodies formed.

Contact your wellness clinic to schedule your flu shot today.

ZCS Employee Wellness Center

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